Thursday, March 29, 2012

Are Organic Foods Safer and More Nutritious?

Once found only in health food stores, organic food is now a regular feature at most supermarkets. How do you chose between a conventionally grown apple and an organic one? Both apples are firm, shiny and red. Both provide vitamins and fiber, and both are free of fat, sodium and cholesterol. one common concern with organic food is cost. Organic foods typically cost more than do their conventional counterparts. Higher prices are due, in part, to more expensive farming practices. (By Mayo Clinic staff)

Here are some facts you need to know before you shop.
Conventional vs. Organic farming
"Organic" refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products and meat. Encouraging soil and water conservation and reducing pollution are the main aim of organic farming practices. Farmers who grow organic produce conduct more sophisticated crop rotations and spread mulch (a protective cover placed over the soil to retain moisture, reduce erosion, provide nutrients, and suppress weed growth and seed germination)  or manure to keep weeds at bay rather than using chemical weedkillers.
The main differences between conventional farming and organic farming:
Apply chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth.
Apply natural fertilizers, such as manure or compost, to feed soil and plants.
Spray insecticides to reduce pests and disease.
Use beneficial insects and birds, mating disruption or traps to reduce pests and disease.
Use herbicides to manage weeds.
Rotate crops, till, hand weed or mulch to manage weeds.
Give animals antibiotics, growth hormones and medications to prevent disease and spur growth.
Give animals organic feed and allow them access to the outdoors. Use preventive measures — such as rotational grazing, a balanced diet and clean housing — to help minimize disease.

Conventional farming

Use of pesticides in conventional farming
Organic Farming

Organic methods to plant seeds

 The Label
If a product carries a USDA Organic label, it means it's produced and processed according to the USDA standards. The seal is voluntary, but many organic producers use it. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has established an organic certification               program that requires all organic foods to meet strict                     government standards.
  1. 100% Organic: products must be either completely organic or made entirely of organic ingredients
  2. Organic: products must be at least 95% organic.

  3. Products that contain at least 70% organic ingredients may say "made with organic ingredients" on the label but may not use the seal.

  4. Products containing less than 70% organic ingredients can't use the seal or the word "organic" on their product labels.

Organic Foods in Lebanon
LibanCert is the first Lebanese organic inspection and certification body. In December 2011 it was added to a list of European Union approved certification bodies worldwide, in turn this allows certified producers of organic crops to export their products to the EU without an export certificate as of July 1, 2012 (Daily Star, January 2012). There are a number of operators who are organic certified organic farmers in Lebanon; more than 130. Organic products in Lebanon (mainly found at The Farmer's Market in Hamra and Beirut Health Store Ashrafiyeh i.e. Beit El Soha)

  1. Bechly Green (they offer a small range of seasonal organic fruits and vegetables)
  2. Zeitounati (a Sidon based company that sells organic, but not yet certified, olives and extra virgin olive oil)
  3. Biomass can be found in Spinneys (a Lebanese family-owned company selling organic produce)
  4. Healthy Basket (a project started in 2001 by the American University of Beirut to improve rural farmers' livelihoods in exchange of putting healthier, environmentally friendly food on the market)
  5. Campagnia (they offer organic eggs and dairy products)
  6. Shuman Farms chickens (products of the Lebanese Poultry Company which are "free of antibiotics and chemicals"; the chickens are raised on a diet of mainly grains - corn and soy - and some vitamins. The company has not yet considered organic certification)  
There are other places where organic foods can be found, weather locally or exported, such as: Live Organic (Mtaylib), New Earth (Ashrafiyeh), Spineys, TSC and other big supermarkets.

Do Organic and Natural Mean the Same Thing?

"Natural" and "Organic" are NOT interchangeable terms. You may see "natural" and other terms such as "all natural," "free-range" or "hormone-free" on food labels. These descriptions must be truthful, but don't confuse them with the term "organic." Only foods that are grown and processed according to USDA organic standards can be labeled organic.

Are Organic Foods More Nutritious? 
Research in this area is ongoing and the answer isn't yet clear. A recent study examined the past 50 years' worth of scientific articles about the nutrient content of organic and conventional foods. The researchers concluded that organically and conventionally produced foods are comparable in their nutrient content.
Organic fruits and vegetables aren't treated with waxes or preservatives, therefore they may spoil faster. Also, some organic produce may look less than perfect — odd shapes, varying colors or smaller sizes. However, organic foods must meet the same quality and safety standards as those of conventional foods. 

What foods are worth buying organic?

The "Dirty Dozen"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Power of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Cholesterol & heart disease: Pectin in the vinegar is a fiber which helps reduce bad cholesterol and helps in regulating blood pressure.  A 2006 study showed evidence that vinegar could lower cholesterol. However, the study was done in rats, so it's too early to know how it might work in people. Another study in rats found that vinegar could lower high blood pressure. A large observational study also found that people who ate oil and vinegar dressing on salads five to six times a week had lower rates of heart disease than people who didn't. However, it's far from clear that the vinegar was the reason.
Maintains strong bones: This vinegar helps extract calcium from the fruits, vegetables and meat it is mixed with.
Apple cider vinegar is loaded with potassium: Potassium deficiency causes a variety of conditions including hair loss, weak finger nails, brittle teeth, and sinusitis. The potassium in this vinegar also helps in eliminating toxic waste from the body.
Anti-oxidant: The beta-carotene helps in countering damage caused by free radicals, helping one maintain firmer skin and a youthful appearance.
Weight loss: Apple cider vinegar is good for those wanting to lose weight. It helps in breaking down fat which helps in natural weight reduction. White vinegar (and perhaps other types) might help people feel full. A 2005 study of 12 people found that those who ate a piece of bread along with small amounts of white vinegar felt fuller and more satisfied than those who just ate the bread.  
Diabetes: The effect of vinegar on blood sugar levels is perhaps the best-researched and the most promising of apple cider vinegar's possible health benefits. Several studies have found that vinegar may help lower glucose levels. A 2007 study of 11 people with type 2 diabetes found that taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed lowered glucose levels in the morning by 4%-6%.

Please make sure that you use only the natural, organic variety of apple cider vinegar, the sparkling clear variety will 
have practically no health benefitsThe apple cider vinegar that contains all of the health benefits is not a clear liquid vinegar, but just the opposite. It is an  organic and unfiltered vinegar; it has got a brownish tinge to it. If you try looking through it, you will notice a tiny cobweb-like substance floating in it. This is known as "mother", and means just one thing. This apple cider vinegar is of good quality with all the nutrients and health giving properties intact. The pure vinegar is steamed to get the sparking clear vinegar that is available at the supermarket. This steaming process destroys almost all of the health giving nutrients.  

Friday, March 16, 2012

Tip of the day!

Healthy, convenient and portable, smoothies are ideal fuel-on-the-go for breakfast, an afternoon snack or dessert. Smoothies provide important protein, vitamins and minerals from ingredients like tofu, low fat yogurt, low fat milk, fruits and vegetables. It's an all-in-one drink!
Click here if you want to check out some healthy and easy recipes.

Enjoy your weekend Cleansers!

Sounds like a good idea ;P